Body of Christ

Scripture uses parables quite often, and analogies for different teachings, to get the point across. Christ used them very often, and as such, his apostles, after his departure and filled with his Holy Spirit, with the "Mind of Christ," were not unfamilier with using them either. One example in particular, and the one that this sermon/article is going to be on, is the Body of Christ.

We all know what a body is, your using either your eyes or your ears to receive this message at this very moment. The body is much more than just a whole, however... It may look that way, under the covering of skin, something we will discuss later, but it is in fact an intricate collection of countless organs, bones, and parts, that collectively make up the human body.

Scripture uses the analogy of the Body of Christ, his believers, with Christ being the head of the body. This is a teaching that has very many aspects and areas to think on, so I thought it would be good to write this on the topic.

Paul tells us, when addressing the topic of spiritual gifts in his first letter to the church in Corinth, that Yah has appointed many different types of people in the church, many different organs, or parts, if you will. He even goes into specifics, saying, "If all were eyes, where were the hearing? If the whole body were ears, where were the smelling?"

He was addressing the problem of arguments about spiritual gifts, envy over them or believing some to be neccesary... A lesson that most Charismatic churches today should take to heart, with their teachings that a person has not the Spirit of God, if they do not speak in tongues... The gift that is listed as least and last! Paul even addresses it MORE clearly, with stating "If the foot sayeth, 'Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body'; Is it therefore not of the body?"

That being said... Paul also goes on to address the aforementioned list, naming the different types of positions within the Body of Christ, his church. There are Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Miracle Workers, Healers, on down the line. These are the parralels of the parts in the Body of Christ lesson, this is made clear by Paul himself.

Christ is the head of the body, the body is of him. He is in control of it. If a part of the body should cease to obey the commands of the head, what becomes of it? It is useless. If a part of the body ceases to allow the blood to flow into it, the blood that Christ says in Leviticus is the "Life," the Spirit of God that Christ gives us, what happens to it? It withers and dies.

In order for the body to work, all parts, must be obediant. If we are not obedient to Christ, the mind, we are a useless part of the body, and we will die by the lack of blood, of life, flowing to us. If we do not accept the new nature, conversion, completely, we do not work in perfect harmony with the rest of the body, and we cause chaos within it.

In order for a part to be of the body, what must it be? It must be attached. If you recall the parable Christ told of the olive tree, and the branches grafted on, a part that seeks to come to Christ must be attached to the tree, for in the tree is life, outside of the tree it is simply a branch, waiting to die in the heat of the sun.

Likewise, a person who wishes to come to Christ must become part of his body. He must be grafted in, He must be attached to the body. The body from the outside appears as a whole... Why is this? Because the body is covered in skin. The body of Christ is covered in skin as well... it is his church. The church appears as one whole, yet within it, underneath the skin, working the work of Christ the head, are many members of many types, doing many different works... But with one purpose in them all : To edifiy the body, and do the will, completely, of Christ the head.

If a part should not be under the skin, what happens to it? Like the olive branch, can it be protected? Can it be nourished? A body part may survive for awhile, a short time, if severed from a body... But it becomes dead shortly. A body part that is not under the skin has no protection from the elements, it has no coating, it is there, waiting for whatever should blow its way to critically harm it. It will die soon.

Church membership is much like being part of the body of Christ... We must be grafted on, into his body of life, under the complete control of Christ. We must surrender completely to the will of the head, and be converted fully, then, at baptism, become surgically "grafted on" to the body, a part of it, a part of Christs body and his church. Anything less than a full committment spells death.

Does this mean we ought to go to any church, wherever it is, just for the sake of being in church? No. Christ has one body. No one, no being, has a mind in more than one body. It cannot be done. We all have our own bodies, none other. Christ, likewise, has his body, his true body, his one true church. If we are attached to a body that is not of Christ, are we under his control? No. We are lead by the head of that particular body.

If we remain in a false body, Can we be saved? Do not take me to be saying that no one except those in the CSDA church will be saved, I am speaking of those who know the truth of it, see the light, and hear the call from what is shown to be a false church, into the true one, and reject it. Can they be helped? Can a person who does not join to the body of Christ, receive the blood of that body?

There is one body that is Christ's, and many members underneath the skin. The body of Christ is different than any human body, in that there is no limit to the members... There is place for all, no matter what their type, if they be an ear, a foot, a leg, or a shoulder. It is Christs call that his followers would come into his, one, true body.. and I pray that after hearing these things, you would be inclined to hear that call, to surrender fully, to accept conversion, constant victory over sin... And to be grafted into the body of Christ, and no other.

Yah bless and be with you.

- Luke